The Highway Primary School

Modern Foreign Language   

“Learning a language is not a destination, but a journey.”

-Jean Brunet-


At the Highway we want children to enjoy and feel confident in speaking French, and our weekly lessons are structured to encourage this, together with providing lots of opportunities to read and write in French.  We want French to be an integral part of our school day and so French songs in singing assembly, registration in French and French conversation in the corridors are all encouraged. As an incentive, a weekly merit certificate is awarded for French outside of the classroom. 

Our overall intent is that through the learning of one foreign language, pupils will develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about all foreign languages. By learning a second language, pupils will have the opportunity to explore relationships between language and identity and develop a deeper understanding of other cultures and the world around them with a better awareness of self, others and cultural differences. The intention is that they will be working towards becoming life-long language learners.


Key Stage 2 children are taught one French lesson per week  taught by a French specialist teacher.  Lessons are based on the Language Angels Scheme of work, and have been specifically developed to meet the requirements of the Department for Education Languages Programme of Study in the National Curriculum.  This scheme enables children to hear French spoken by native speakers and builds their understanding of vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar.  There are 6 units per year group, covering a range of interesting and engaging topics [ e.g. Ice Creams, Family, Habitats and Weather]

During the 4 years the children are learning French they are systematically introduced to the four key language learning skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing, together with some simple grammar elements.  We sometimes refer to this as Language Lego - acquiring the building blocks for language success.

In addition, every child has access to the Language Angels Home Learning website where they can review teaching slides, play games linked to the lesson or engage in some French Karaoke.   An annual French or international day is organised and opportunities are taken to introduce children to a variety of aspects of French life and culture, for example Bastille Day.


In any language, the ability to communicate is the most important element.  Our hope is that children leave The Highway not only with the requisite knowledge and skills, but also with a love for French and a confidence in their ability to make themselves understood.

Children will:

  • have the opportunity to study French as a foreign language, developing their interest in the culture of other nations, communities and beliefs.
  • have access to high-quality engaging teaching and learning opportunities.
  • have exposure to simple commands using day-to-day French language, including days, months, numbers and classroom instructions.
  • develop an increased wider cultural understanding through our enriched and varied curriculum to which languages contribute.
  • enjoy and have varied engaging, exciting experiences where they are passionate about the language they are learning and are also finding out about the cultural practices of that country through independent and whole class research.

This will be evident through pupil voice, evidence of knowledge and skills and the monitoring of the ambition behind the curriculum. In addition to informal observations during lessons and recording of children speaking, we carry out formal assessments  at the end of each 6 week unit and children are given feedback to enable them to improve.


Curriculum Statement for the Teaching and Learning of French 2020/2021